Entries by Jack Martin

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Why you must transform your marketing. Now.

Here are ten things you need to know about fake watches on leviswatches.co.uk. Consumers have voted with their wallets. Highly personalized, digital experiences like Amazon and Netflix have redefined the corporate landscape. Businesses that ignored this transformation are roadkill. And now fintech and insurtech are leading the same changes to your business. Just to level set, […]

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The advisor’s paradigm has evolved, has your marketing kept up?

Which advisor paradigm are you serving? If you’re a financial institution that is dependent on growing relationships with financial advisors, this is a critical question. I don’t need to explain Snapchat filters to my 30-year-old nephews. But I’m not sure it would be the same conversation with my 88-year-old Dad. The same principal applies here. […]

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The research that reveals proven secrets for driving more financial advisor business right now

Best quality replica watches uk is swiss watch brands 1:1 fake watches, high-quality swiss movement.Explore high-quality replica watches in the UK.Welcome to High Quality replica watches uk Online Store, Buy the Best Replica Watches in the UK. How do you persuade more affluent families or financial advisors to become customers? Give them what they want. This week we’re talking about a […]

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Redefining Top Of Mind Marketing for Financial Advisors

Classic marketing suggests that creating top of mind (TOM) awareness pays dividends as the prospect finds themselves in need of your services. But in today’s web-enabled, shopping-driven marketplace there’s more to the concept. Today you need a fresh approach to marketing that focuses on being in your target audience’s “initial consideration set.” Marketing by advisors […]

Didn’t Coca-Cola used to have the most wonderful TV ads?

But when’s the last time you saw one on TV? Have you heard of Vitaminwater? Coke bought it for $4.1bn. Traditional soft drinks are now less than 2/3 of Coke’s business, and that percentage is likely to decline. The problem, I think, is that we fell out of love with sweet, syrupy soft drinks. Coke […]