How do you persuade more affluent families or financial advisors to become customers?

Give them what they want.

This week we’re talking about a simple, step-by-step framework for driving new customers to your business. Read more

Classic marketing suggests that creating top of mind (TOM) awareness pays dividends as the prospect finds themselves in need of your services.

But in today’s web-enabled, shopping-driven marketplace there’s more to the concept.

Today you need a fresh approach to marketing that focuses on being in your target audience’s “initial consideration set.”

Marketing by advisors and marketing to financial advisors is impacted by this important research.

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Statues of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza at the Plaza de Espana in Madrid, Spain

Getting outside of the box.

We’ve all said it. Why does it matter in this independent financial advisor space?

When everyone looks or sounds alike, consumers default to choosing brands. That’s an expensive space to compete in.

But when we get outside of the box, go beyond product-driven marketing and actually present ourselves as someone who understands the advisor’s circumstances, challenges and motivations; then we have differentiated ourselves. When we are connecting with our audience they listen and they begin to trust. Our audience is not homogeneous. It’s a collection of personas.

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